Thursday, July 06, 2006


Dhi Only One tagged me.

I am thinking

…With my brain and not with my genitalia. (Well…maybe someday)

I said

…I was out of town when the crime took place. But the cops did not believe me. They threw me into prison and I had my android henchman bust me out off that joint. We escaped through the sewers. And there we ran into Ras-Karfur, the alligator lord of the sewers. Many had faced him and had failed. But I had a shotgun and so in short order he resembled pâté de foie crocodilia. But just at that moment, when I thought I was home safe…Space Ninja Pirates from Outer Space.


…Far too much.

…Far too little.

I want

… Stuff. (Refer to statement made with respect to regret)

…Two supermodels, a pair of handcuffs and butter. Lots of butter.

…That which I cannot have.

I wish

…I have no truck with genies. None whatsoever.

…That…Yeah, not gonna type that.

…That…Or that.

…That…Um, that’s just plain nasty.

I miss


I hear

…The circus is in town.

…The sound of music.

…The lamentations of their toasters.

…That the Nazgul ride again.

I wonder

…”Paint your own pottery studio” or …”Paint your “own pottery studio””

…”Who the fuck was Alice?”

I regret

…That I am not the kind of person who shares his regrets.

I am

…As transparent as a concrete wall.

…A transparent concrete wall.

…A member of the Human Saunter.

I dance…

…When just the right amount of drunk. (And I was past that point on Monday, so stop throwing that in my face!)


…The Light Fantastic.

I sing

…In the shower.

…Of my deepest feelings. (Yeah right!)

…In the car.

I cry

…No I don’t. And you do not have the proof to say otherwise.

…Except during ET.

I am not

…What I was four years ago.


…A nice person.

I write

…Like I speak.

…Stuff that I will never publish.

…Inspirational tracts for the spiritual upliftment of mankind. (Fuck! I’m pretty sure upliftment is a word. Damn you Word’s red squiggly line.)

…To a captive audience.

I confuse



…Stuff. (Refer to statement made with respect to regret)

Alien Ninja Space Pirates with camels.

I need

… Stuff. (Refer to statement made with respect to regret)

…Two supermodels, a pair of handcuffs and butter. Lots of butter.

…what I cannot have.

I should

…Do stuff. (Refer to statement made with respect to regret)

…Hit the sack soon.

…Lose six pounds.

I finish

…With a bang. BANG.

…With a whimper. Yelp.

…As credits roll on the screen.

Well, since we link to the same folks, everyone else who reads this blog consider yourself tagged. Email me your posts or the links to your blogs.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. I really liked this one :)

No, nothing negative to say. At least at this momemnt.

Whoddathunk! (I must be hungry ... or something)

freakphase said...

I'm quite speechless.

Nothing negative? Really?

Anonymous said...

"Refer to statement made with respect to regret."
I did not find the statement mentioned. Looked real hard. Where is it?

freakphase said...

I regret …That I am not the kind of person who shares his regrets."

Sridhar Raman said...

Does the stuff refer to stuff that I think it refers to?

freakphase said...

Little Devil>> Smart move.

Chilli>> Stuff is stuff is stuff is tough.

Pi said...


wouldn't margarine be healthier if you ingested it accidentally?

Less cholesterol to start with.

The supermodels would have anyway gotten your heart racing...

freakphase said...

Butter! Anything else would be a .perversion