Monday, July 03, 2006

I am...

...many things.

But boring is NOT one of them.

(Take that you evil person, you. You know who you are!)

(I really, really like brackets.)

(And cheesecake.)

(And bru...Never Mind.)

(Add open ended statements to that.)

(And smirking.)

(And saying frig when I'm alone and fuck when I'm around people.)

(And making random observations. For instance, I came up with this wonderful plan for a friend who has issue with flipping people off on the road who annoy him. I suggested that he throw a salad at them.


Because nobody likes salads. And this shows that he put some thought into it, instead of a mere wag of that middle finger.

I said random observations. Not random and funny.)


Sridhar Raman said...

>>(And bru...Never Mind.)

Anonymous said...


The frig and fuck sounds like the case of the closetted personality, if you ask me.


Pity the brunette ...


Bridget Jones said...

I like salads... probably not flying salads being thrown at me though.

freakphase said...

a) Um eh? You are going to need to email me to explain that hmm...

b) If you yawn again, I'll throw something at you.

And no pity for brunettes. They're dangerous!

c) Flying salads flying under their own power? With jet engines maybe? Or Salads with wings, flying through the air in a "V" formation.

Salads of prey, salads of paradise, salads on a poultry farm.

Yeah, I got nothing.