Sunday, July 11, 2004

Where the coherent account follows...

I do not normally get tipsy with a drink and a half. However, having just an hour of sleep in the last twenty four hours affected me strangely. And so I was tipsy. I wish to reiterate for the record that my capacity is not as pathetic as it seems. For the record it is two drinks and five shots. Well, that's as far as I have gone. It's quite possible that I havent found my boundaries yet.

I doubt that I will ever overreact to such an extent again that I will need to find my boundaries.

Um...I hope my parents do not read my blog.

Have finally shifted to contacts. Reasonably happy with this pair. Now if only my hair would grow back, recover from the disasterous Supercuts misadventure. Wearing a cap everyday is getting to be painful.

I woke up at 1 pm. In bed, not the bathtub.That story some other time. Anyway, I had changed my T-shirt before hitting the sack and I have no recollection of this event. Holes in my memory aren't good.

A lot of photographs were taken tonight.I should probably elaborate on that sentence because it sounds positively pornographic. But I won't. I will leave it to your mind, gentle reader, to twist it as you may see fit.

I'm sleepy.

I will be the only person left in the apartment in a few days. Cannot wait for it. Blessed solitude.

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