Thursday, July 15, 2004

Where I compare the merits of glasses and contacts...

I have lost control of the blog. At least the blog titles. People snatch the keyboard from me and put in ellipsis(For the more inquisitive among you ellipsis are ...). Yes gentle reader, I am pretty anal.
This is the first time I have blogged with an active and participative audience. I refer to the boos from the rear stalls. Or do I refer to the booze from the rear stalls?
No I am not drunk.
I am quite sure.
Notice I do not ramble on and on.
I am supposed to blog for someone else. I will be a ghost blogger. I will dress up in a white sheet and blog all over the place.
Yessss I continue to amaze myself with my inanity. Or insanity. My audience says "Or both".
I moon the audience.
So there.
Nyah nyah.
Nyah Nyah to you too, gentle reader.
Um yes I am twenty five years old, not six as I might seem from the previous statements.
My audience is pelting me with tomatoes. And bottles of beer.
Dammit! Empty bottles.
Well I should bLog off.
My audience is a trifle annoying. Think fingernails on a blackboard type annoying.
Yesssss, You do know what I mean.
The cat says Hi.
And Meow!
Well just meow. I made up the hi. 

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