Sunday, July 11, 2004

Where I kill time...

A small point to remember, when I observe the foot approaching the mouth I should endeavor to get the mouth out off the way. It is widely accepted that shoving a foot down a mouth is a bad idea.

Drove Sourav's car today. I'm having problems with turning. Took a corner near the mall on two wheels and I'm pretty sure a nice old lady flipped me the bird. I will try to avoid stepping on the gas while I am turning.

Sourav thinks a Thursday deadline is extremely optimistic.
I agree.

I need a good book. I do wish that GRRM would get off his ass and finish "A Feast of Crows" before I graduate.

Farscape is returning. Just a miniseries but that is better than nothing.

To Bandar and the Bhide, I hope you were pleased at the data transmission, the information exchange. And Bandar, do try to come up with a better compliment than your usual "Asian Paints" statement.

I have rambled on again. I intended to talk about the drive and leave, but I like it here. So I'll stay for a bit longer. Bear with me gentle reader.

Chatted with my apartment-mates-to-be. I look forward to keeping my door closed for most of the next semester. My own room. After a year and a half of sharing a room, I'm getting my own room. I think I shall do a little jig. Also I think I can get the kiddies to help me clean the apartment, when moving out time comes around.

Raghu leaves for India tomorrow. I am so jealous. Nitin leaves on the thirteenth. That's the definite date. Just like the second was definite. And the ninth.
I think my current bout of homesickness is because they are going to India.

I need to leave State College again. I need to leave State College now.
I need to get to Norfolk. (I have that really depraved grin on my face right now).

Well it's official. The entire Smith research group has been crippled. Brian, Meltem and I all have fucked up fingers. Too much typing. But at least it is tendonitis and not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Or as Brian put it, "hand syphilis and not hand herpes".

Um...The analogy is that the former is curable, the latter is not.

On a bright note. The first draft of the book review is done. I gotta rewrite it with changes now.

The phone is still in my shopping cart. I just need to click the buy button.

I just noticed that quite a few sentences in this post start with the words "I need". Um...a comedic gem would typically follow that sentence, but I think I will let it go this time.

Good news. Played three excellent UT2004 games today. Won thrice in a row. With a spread of 4, 5 and 4. And I got a "Monster Kill"! A "Monster Kill" people! I have only ever got that against the bots. And managed two adrenaline rushes in each game. geek quotient went up by a factor of three. No. Three point five.

The summer is flying by. I just realized that in a best-case scenario, I have only six months left in State College. I do not want to think about the worst-case scenario. I want to move to a big city. A place with crime, noise and pollution.

I'm watching Coupling on the Beeb. Apparently the Brits have no problem saying fuck on their sitcoms.

I begin to bore myself. I leave.
Exit stage right, trying not to trip over the cat.

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